Pressure got me one more time..
It invariably starts off a few weeks before the semester. The pressure gets stifling. Vivas, which I'm clueless about, a healthy bunch of class tests, piles and piles of lab assignments and a complete absence of books, class notes and hand outs. But the most frightening facet is perhaps the speculation whether i would successfully manage to give the slip (one more time) and sit for the exam with my way below the required attendance.
Why do i write this now??
Because today morning, the 14th of May, when i got out of bed @09:00 am, i felt i needed an anti-G suit to survive. I have a website submission lined up for tomorrow (multimedia), a monstrous accounting assignment, a rather laborious matlab assignment, an 8086 assembler to submit, three class tests and a grand viva on top of it, all lined up by the middle of the next week. And i haven't started on any of them (other than the assembler which is half complete). I have a 25% attendance in my management course which requires an attendance of 75% adjustable upto 50% (after much hankering and medical proofs).
But that is not the complete story. I further aggravate matters by my inaction about it. Perhaps i can do no better because the pressure renders me inactive. It's only when the pressure goes beyond a threshold that i start working again( i coined a term for it and its famous now but i cant post since it isn't parliamentary). At times is feel like running away. I don't, but that's only because i have nowhere to run to. Some of my pals would say that all this is crap, cause i have managed decent marks every semester, but I must say that it always has been very very close.
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