Blogosphere fever

This had to come, I was itching to get into this controversy.

The blogosphere is currently suffering from a serious bout of guest post fever.

Why guest posts??

* Everyone has a blog, at least everyone who writes a guest post on someone's blog. Well, almost everyone.

* I haven't seen many guest posts, only invitations for them. *wink*

* A blog/web log is supposed to be a dairy on the web. Do you invite others to fill up your dairies? That's the purist view.

* Amitabh Bachchan's blog does not host guest posts. Neither does Aamir's , Salman's or Sobhaa's. Nor do the celebs write any guest posts. Ain't we supposed to ape them?

* At the end of the day, isn't this just a way to show off how popular your blog is?

To tell the truth, I have run out of reasons now.

But also consider that......

* Someone might want to write something about something on someone's blog.

* I haven't read many blogs. I might be missing.

* A web log is not exactly a diary. You do not show your diaries to people.

* Amitabh Bachchan's blog is boring. Sorry Sir, I hope you will understand.

* I have an unpopular blog. Grapes are sour.

* I find the idea pretty interesting.

So maybe I would like to host some guest posts myself. Someday when I'm confident that some people would be interested. Till then, I'm happy criticizing.


Richa said...

neither did i recieve an invite to write a guest post, nor have i invited anyone...

Mahul Bhattacharya said...

Well, I'm inviting you, if you want to.........

Wormy said...

[Amitabh Bachchan's blog is boring. Sorry Sir, I hope you will understand.]

LOLz ^ infiniti

:P read adamsandler or aamir khan. They Rock!

Richa said...


dude u need to inform me if u really want my twaddles to b included in ur rusts ;)

thnx for the invite, am glad though :D
n rest of the discussions i hope we cud make, add me at

Mahul Bhattacharya said...


Sure, I will try Adam Sandler. As for Aamir Khan, I liked his blog.


I would love to have others writing for my blog. I have sent you a gtalk invite but I won't be online for a few days since I'll be out. Till then happy blogging :-)